04 Feb A Message to Engineering Graduates and Young Engineers
Do not put off getting your EIT certification or PE license any longer than you have to.
- You may have graduated with a 4.0 and with honors from one of the top engineering schools in the country.
- You have gone on to complete your Masters Degree in Civil Engineering immediately after obtaining your Bachelor’s Degree.
- You may have some GREAT experience your first few years out of
These are all great accomplishments, but if you fail to carry the EIT, and ultimately PE letters after your name, YOU ARE GREATLY LIMITING YOUR OPTIONS!
- You will often be overlooked for internal promotional opportunities
- You will often be eliminated from consideration as a viable
candidate for any new jobs you may be applying for.
Life got in the way.
My professors never encouraged it.
I started my career in construction so never really saw the value in getting my license.
My boss never encouraged it. He told me that it was not necessary since he was the one sealing the plans anyway.
I didn’t pass the exam the first time around, so I never went back to retake it.

The above statements are the most common excuses I hear when I speak to young engineers who have yet to receive either certification…and I’m calling “BS” on all of those excuses!
One you fail to have your EIT, and ultimately PE certification,
you are viewed as someone who has a lack of ambition. I am not aware of any
hiring manager or organization who wants to promote or hire someone who is
perceived to have a lack of ambition.
The ramifications of letting your licensure slide are as follows:
- Limited opportunities
- Loss of income
- Loss of contributions to 401K/Retirement account…both from yourself AND from your employer
- Lack of respect from your peers
My advice to you is this: GET IT DONE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
Realize that the longer you delay, the less likely you are to ultimately ever pursue it.
And if you don’t pass the exam the first time, pull up your boot straps, dig in, study your ass off, and take the exam again six months later.
I understand that this is no simple task, but trust me, by getting your EIT / PE you will not only experience a high level of personal satisfaction, but you will open up a plethora of doors that would otherwise be locked!
Good luck, and GO GET IT!
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