01 Mar A Celebration of Engineers Week 2016 – Twitter Style!
Engineers Week was founded 65 years ago by the NSPE, and according to their website:
“EWeek is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. Today, EWeek is a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. Dedicated to raising public awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to quality of life, EWeek promotes recognition among parents, teachers, and students of the importance of a technical education and a high level of math, science, and technology literacy, and motivates youth, to pursue engineering careers in order to provide a diverse and vigorous engineering workforce. Each year, EWeek reaches thousands of schools, businesses, and community groups across the U.S.”
To get a sense of all that was accomplished during Eweek, I took to Twitter and searched using #engineersweek and #eweek2016, and a couple other hashtags of the like. There were so many great activities going on, not only as they relate to civil engineering, but to all engineering professions. Below you will find a sampling of all things engineering week including messages from different engineering associations and engineering companies, to a video message from an astronaut in space, to some engineering activities involving elementary aged students…enjoy!
Help students understand how engineers make a difference! Share this video about what civil engineers do: https://t.co/bwIorSumg0 #EWeek2016
— ASCE Headquarters (@ASCETweets) February 23, 2016
To the engineers like @Water‘s Gary White who innovate ways to make the world a better place, happy #EngineersWeek. https://t.co/c9EmTnruq2
— Water.org (@Water) February 22, 2016
.@chiarchitecture E-fest. @SweetWaterFDN will b in the @ArcelorMittalUS Design house! https://t.co/yJQ5V5yqVQ @WBEZmorning #EngineersWeek
— Gabrielle Lyon (@LyonGabrielle) February 24, 2016
Check out this special message about #eweek2016 & #GlobalEngineer Day from @astro_tim at the Int’l @Space_Station! https://t.co/37fDBWMiJY
— DiscoverE (@DiscoverEorg) February 22, 2016
“Every single thing that [you] touch has been impacted & made better…by an engineer” https://t.co/Q9r9h3JqyR #EWeek2016 #GlobalEngineer
— ASCE Headquarters (@ASCETweets) February 24, 2016
#eweek is here! See what the #USArmy does when it comes #STEM projects! https://t.co/hH6Y4O8GFF pic.twitter.com/fqQS6Nht3F
— U.S. Army (@USArmy) February 22, 2016
About 700 elementary and middle schoolers visited the Engineering and Science fair today for UF EWeek! pic.twitter.com/0JfYHTX7rM
— Gator Engineering (@FloridaEngineer) February 22, 2016
It’s #NationalEngineersWeek! In celebration, here are a few signs you may be an #engineer: https://t.co/OhaTTdEeYg pic.twitter.com/RWPflTK74M
— Sandia National Labs (@SandiaLabs) February 22, 2016
Volunteers from #StevensInstitute & #MichaelBakerInternationl assist @skywayrehab at #EngineersWeek2016 pic.twitter.com/1QeG96v90V
— NJDOT (@skywayrehab) February 15, 2016
Butler Intermediate High School, PA students learn to #BeAnEngineer at XTO Energy to celebrate #EWeek2016 pic.twitter.com/55prHuiViq
— XOM Foundation (@XOMFoundation) February 25, 2016
From cool tools to sharks – #Engineers have fun too. #Beanengineer #eweek2016 https://t.co/pztJkcnOot pic.twitter.com/0L6SEtjEuB
— McKim & Creed (@mckimcreed) February 22, 2016
National Engineers Week: Alissa Diminich of Barge Waggoner https://t.co/KsVDteimIC via @YouTube #engineerweek #bargewaggoner @bargewaggoner
— Deborah Varallo (@Deb_Varallo) February 24, 2016
#EngineerWeek – Can you stand on paper cups without crushing them? Having fun #ProblemSolving @EpsteinATL – #STEM pic.twitter.com/tImxgHsFcn
— Epstein School ATL (@EpsteinATL) February 23, 2016
Making a Warren Truss bridge with marshmallows and toothpicks at CMS #EngineerWeek pic.twitter.com/mn1rIhyURX
— Stacey Brown (@SBrownNE) February 17, 2016
How cool is this concrete canoe? Built by 3CT undergrads. #STEAM #BeAnEngineer #engineersweek2016 pic.twitter.com/dh7YxMC6MQ
— Katie Rishebarger (@TheKittyKatie) February 25, 2016
How do super fast rollercoasters work? #EngineeringWeek #Engineering https://t.co/JD5IdROFtt pic.twitter.com/u65ZkalOPO
— Science Channel (@ScienceChannel) February 24, 2016
Mack Raiders on campus at Texas Tech celebrating Engineering Week with college students! #engineeringweek #ttustem pic.twitter.com/R4Xb66SPk7
— MackenzieRaiders (@MackRaiders) February 22, 2016
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