The Power of One More

The Power of One More

I recently read Ed Mylett‘s book “The Power of One More.” If you have not read it, I highly recommend it.

Being a recruiter or search consultant, especially in the #civilengineering profession, is an extremely challenging job. Extremely.

That said, I would like to give my fellow recruiters some words of encouragement based upon what I learned from this book:

📞 Make 1️⃣ more recruiting call. You are fried. You met your daily goal for outgoing calls. Everyone else has left the office. Pick up the phone and make one more call!

💼 Make 1️⃣ more marketing call. It never hurts to speak to potential clients in an effort to Top Grade. And even if your plate is full, it’s always good to start building relationships with organizational leaders where you can at the very least put them on the back burner until a front burner becomes available.

📧 Send 1️⃣ more email. Whether it be a recruiting email, marketing email, or a candidate prep email that you were planning on sending tomorrow.

👨🏽‍💻 Add 1️⃣ more candidate profile to your ATS. Find someone who you don’t necessarily have a need for now, but very well may have an opportunity for down the road.

Rinse. Repeat. Kick Ass. Take Names.

#recruiting #civilengineering #civilengineeringjobs #recruiters #talentacquisition #humanresources #powerofonemore

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