07 Jun 🤺🤺🤺Do You Have An Interview Plan Of Attack In Place?🤺🤺🤺
I’m not talking about a fresh hair cut💇🏼♂️ , pressed shirt👔, shiny shoes 👞, and sending thank you notes📝…though these things are important.
I’m talking about a well thought out plan of attack that will allow you CRUSH the interview.
If you don’t you should.
If you are like me, you may feel like you are pretty good at “adjusting on the fly” or “winging it.” These are actually great abilities to have, especially during an interview as sometimes interviews can go down some pretty offbeat paths.
But you’ve got to have a plan in place for when the interview is indeed on track.
Here are 3️⃣ actions you can take in preparing for your interview:
👉🏾DO YOUR RESEARCH. This goes without saying, especially if you are interviewing with a firm you are not too familiar with. That said, EVEN IF YOU THINK YOU KNOW, still do your research. Often times candidates either know a firm because they are a competitor, or because they were recruited by a friend that works there, but don’t let that keep you from doing a fairly deep dive into researching the company. You will be able to generate some great questions, find commonalities, and the hiring manager will most definitely appreciate your preparation efforts…it shows you really care!
👉🏾 COME PREPARED WITH THOUGHTFUL QUESTIONS. Questions about benefits and salary should be off limits unless brought up by the hiring manager or if you are getting a debrief on benefits from an HR representative during the process. I’m talking about questions regarding strategy, challenges, wins, culture, what success looks like, what failure looks like, company strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities for advancement.
👉🏾 COME PREPARED TO ANSWER THOUGHTFUL QUESTIONS. Take some time to write down your list of accomplishments thus far in your career, and then commit them to memory. Some questions you want to ask yourself that will likely come up during the interview include:
📌Did you help increase sales, productivity, or efficiency?
📌Have you mastered any critical technology?
📌How often have you been promoted and why?
📌What is your management style when it comes to developing younger civil engineering staff?
📌What major wins were you a part of and what was your role?
📌What were the circumstances when you experienced failure? And what did you learn from that experience?
Good luck! And if you have ANY questions in regards to how to best nail an upcoming interview please feel free to ask in the comment section below, or just reach out to me directly!
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