“Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.” ~Newt Gingrich
📌To my fellow #recruiters with much smaller work loads than normal: be laser focused in your recruiting efforts and be grateful for the searches you do have, and no matter how many times you may get rejected or may fail in connecting with candidates, that next dial could be THE ONE.
🔥There are plenty of recruiters out there who are still killing it, despite of 2020.
📌To organizational/corporate leaders and business owners: Your tireless efforts in keeping the lights on, finding creative ways to generate new business, and keeping your employees engaged will be remembered by those you lead.
🔥There are corporate leaders and business owners who have pivoted and continue to thrive, despite 2020.
📌To those who have lost their jobs: Don’t stop networking, don’t stop applying for jobs, don’t stop following up, don’t stop writing thank you letters, don’t stop taking care of yourself, your perseverance will indeed pay off!
🔥There are unemployed professionals who woke up each day with a positive and brand new outlook on life, despite being battered the day before, who have since found qualified employment.
Stay strong my friends, and #PERSEVERE !
If you are a #civilengineer looking for a new #career opportunity, please be sure to visit our website at www.precision-recruiters.com to read about the dozens of #civilengineering opportunities available with our clients across the country.
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