Do Gen Z & Millennial Generations Actually Prefer To Be Back In The Office?

Do Gen Z & Millennial Generations Actually Prefer To Be Back In The Office?

Had an interesting conversation yesterday with a #civilengineer in my network.

We were discussing the whole #futureofwork / #remotework / #hybridwork environment, and I found what he said pretty interesting.

He felt that the younger generation of #civilengineers, let’s say 30 and under, actually PREFER to be back in the office working on a full-time basis.

I never really thought about it this way, but he felt like this 30-and-under generation of #civilengineering professionals who grew up in front of the screen actually need the break of being in an office to give them a break from the screen.

Think about it.

It makes sense.

Gaming. Netflix. Instagram. TikTok. Snap Chat. YouTube.

The screen time is NON STOP.

Dare I call it an addiction?

So being in the office, surrounded by people, having social interactions, face-to-face meetings, site visits, city council and planning commission meetings…they all provide a reprieve.

Would you AGREE or DISAGREE with this based upon how YOU feel as a 30-and-under engineer, or what you are seeing from your 30-and-under staff?

I look forward to engaging with you on this topic in the comment section below!

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