29 Sep Death, Taxes, and Great Candidates Have Short Shelf Lives
Death, taxes, and great candidates have short shelf lives...
Death, taxes, and great candidates have short shelf lives...
Earlier this year I had a client interview a candidate. I immediately received feedback from the candidate and proceeded to follow up with my client to swap notes. This was phone interview between an engineer with five years of experience and the hiring manager…not overly...
No matter how great your projects are, no matter how many awards you may have won, no matter how fancy dancy your website may be, recruiting candidates is TOUGH. It requires a lot of work. It requires a detailed plan. It's really tough to...
Despite swimming in the comfort of such recognizable operations, my favorite candidate's are the one's who want more for themselves and their careers. They are the one's who are willing to break free from the ties that bind. They are the ones that...
I have been recruiting in the civil engineering profession for over 22 years. Over the course of those two decades, as you can imagine, I have worked with a number of really. bad. clients. I can deal with chasing down invoices, chasing down feedback, and...
"I don't hire women civil engineers - too much drama." I literally had a client tell me this three years ago. He was in search of an experienced project manager with a background in commercial land development. I delivered a great candidate: √ Registered PE√ 10+ years...
It takes no genius to see that the civil engineering profession is booming. I mean step outside and take a look around, what do you see? New single-family and mulit-family residential developments sprouting up everywhere. Major infrastructure and capitol improvements programs taking place. Airports and universities across the...
In the medical field, you may have heard the phrase, Don't chase the symptom, chase the cause. For example, treating someone for depression without therapy is chasing the symptom. Or telling someone who gets eight hours of sleep a night, yet is constantly tired, just to get...
What can you learn from Philadelphia 76er guard TJ McConnell and Philadelphia Eagle quarterback Nick Foles about aggressive patience? The ability to be “aggressively patient” while you wait in the wings for your next opportunity, either internally or externally, is so important. This week’s “Wednesday Wisdom”...
[caption id="attachment_17473" align="alignright" width="300"] Source: Blog.iil.com[/caption] Are you currently in, or have you ever been in a job where there are too many cooks in the kitchen? Let's say you are a Sr. Project Manager or Director, but there are also 6 other Sr. Project Managers or...